What Maths is Covered at GCSE?

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The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), which is often taken by pupils between the ages of 14 and 16, is a significant step in the UK educational system. The GCSE Mathematics curriculum is crucial in helping pupils improve their logical thinking, problem-solving, and numeracy skills. It is intended to give students a strong foundation in mathematics, equipping them for advanced coursework or real-world applications in a variety of fields.

1- Number

The core of the GCSE Mathematics curriculum is the “Number” portion. It addresses a variety of subjects, such as:

Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages

The “Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages” topic enables students to explore the connections between these three numerical representations. To convert fractions to decimals and percentages, decimals to fractions and percentages, and percentages to fractions and decimals is a skill they learn. Understanding and comprehending data presented in various formats requires this ability. Additionally, students practice using percentages to solve real-world issues, including figuring out discounts, tax sums, and percentage changes.

Rational and Irrational Numbers

Students get a deeper understanding of how numbers are divided into rational and irrational categories in this part. They discover that whereas irrational numbers cannot be stated as fractions and have non-repeating, non-terminating decimals, rational numbers can be expressed as fractions or terminating decimals. Square roots of imperfect square integers like 2 are an example of an irrational number.

Additionally, students practice basic mathematical operations on both rational and irrational numbers, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Indices and Standard Form

Exponents, powers, and indices are all common terms for these concepts in mathematics and scientific notation. Students learn about index notation and the laws of indices in this topic, including how to raise numbers to fractional and negative powers, multiply and divide using indices, and simplify equations with indices.

Using the standard form, commonly referred to as scientific notation, is a clear approach to express extremely big or extremely small numbers. The ability to change numbers from standard forms to other forms is something that students acquire, and it is especially helpful in scientific and engineering contexts where numbers might range widely.

Prime Factorisation

Breaking down composite numbers into their prime factors is known as prime factorisation. Students are taught several techniques, including factor trees and the ladder method, to identify a number’s prime factors. This ability is essential for solving issues involving divisibility, determining the highest common factor (HCF), lowest common multiple (LCM), and simplifying fractions.

2- Algebra

The GCSE Mathematics curriculum gives thorough coverage of algebraic ideas and methods. Algebra is an important aspect of mathematics and one that is carried forward at A-Level. Our Edexcel A Level Maths Revision Course provides useful tips on how students can achieve the best grade. This section’s main subjects include:

Simplification and Factorisation

The “Simplification and Factorisation” topic teaches students the fundamental methods for working with algebraic formulas. They learn to perform operations using algebraic terms, combining like terms, and using algebraic expressions to simplify fractions. For the purpose of simplifying difficult equations and expressions found in numerous branches of mathematics and science, this ability is essential.

Equations and Inequalities

Solving equations of various kinds is part of the “Equations and Inequalities” topic. The methods for resolving quadratic equations, fractional and decimal coefficient equations, as well as linear equations are taught to students. They get to practice identifying the variable and using the right operations to solve the equations.

Inequalities involve mathematical expressions that compare two quantities using symbols like < (less than), > (greater than), ≤ (less than or equal to), and ≥ (greater than or equal to). Students learn to solve linear and quadratic inequalities and represent their solutions graphically on a number line or coordinate plane.

Sequences and Patterns

The fascinating realm of ordered lists and regular structures is explored in “Sequences and Patterns”. Students develop their ability to identify and create arithmetic sequences, where each term is acquired by a constant difference addition or subtraction. They also research geometric series in which each word is produced by multiplying or dividing a standard ratio.


Students are introduced to the graphic depiction of mathematical relationships in the “Graphs” course. They gain knowledge of how to plot points and create graphs of various functions, such as exponential, quadratic, and straight-line graphs.

The equation y = mx + c, where m stands for the gradient (slope) and c for the y-intercept, is studied by students. A, B, and C are constants. They also examine quadratic functions of the form y = ax2 + bx + c. Students can investigate real-world phenomena and explain the behaviour of mathematical models with the use of these types of graphs.

A teacher smiling at camera in classroom

3- Geometry and Measures

Students are introduced to numerous geometric ideas and measurement techniques in the Geometry and Measures module. Topics include:

Properties of Shapes

Students investigate the essential qualities and properties of numerous geometric shapes in the course “Properties of Shapes”. They discover angles, their varieties, and how to gauge and organize them. In geometry, understanding angles is essential since they serve as the foundation for many geometric ideas.

Additionally, students learn about triangles and their various varieties, including equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangles. They study the angles in a triangle’s total and investigate each type’s unique characteristics. Students also study quadrilaterals, such as rectangles, squares, parallelograms, and trapezoids, and get an understanding of their special characteristics.

Pythagoras’ Theorem and Trigonometry

One of the most important ideas in geometry is the Pythagorean theorem. Students investigate right-angled triangles and discover that the square of the hypotenuse, or opposite side to the right angle, equals the added sum of the squares of the other two sides of a right-angled triangle. They use this theorem to determine right-angled triangles’ unknown sides’ lengths.

Right-angled triangles are strongly related to trigonometry. The angles of a right-angled triangle are related to the ratios of its sides using trigonometric ratios, such as sine, cosine, and tangent, which are studied by students. Students can use these ratios to help them in a variety of real-world situations, including calculating heights, distances, and inclines when problems involving angles and side lengths are involved.

Perimeter, Area, and Volume

The “Perimeter, Area, and Volume” topic teaches students how to compute the perimeter, area, and volume of two- and three-dimensional shapes. They investigate formulas for calculating the area and perimeter of different polygons, such as circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles.

Constructions and Loci

The “Constructions and Loci” topic focuses on creating geometric figures with particular features using simple instruments like compasses and rulers. Students gain knowledge of how to accurately bisect line segments and angles, as well as how to construct various angles, perpendicular bisectors, and parallel lines.

Loci are collections of points that meet particular criteria. The locus of points that satisfy particular geometric qualities, such as the locus of points that are equally far from two fixed locations or the locus of points that form a circle with a specified radius and centre, are identified by students.

4- Statistics and Probability

The display, analysis, and probability of data are the main topics of this area. Important areas are as follows:

Data Handling

The “Data Handling” module teaches students the proper techniques for gathering, organizing, and presenting data. They examine numerous data kinds, including categorical and numerical data, and practice displaying data using several graphical representations, including bar charts, pie charts, histograms, and line graphs. Effective information interpretation and communication depend on having a solid understanding of data visualization.


The topic “Probability” dives into the investigation of ambiguity and chance. Students gain an understanding of fundamental probability concepts like the chance that an event will occur (P(A)) and the probability that it won’t (P(not A)). They also go over the idea of complementing events and conditional probability, which is the process of calculating the likelihood of an occurrence given the existence of another event.

Ratios and Proportions

Students learn how to use ratios and proportions, including how to determine equivalent ratios, simplify ratios, and figure out proportional issues. Ratios and proportions are crucial in a variety of real-life scenarios because they can be used to compare amounts and scale measures.

Direct and Inverse Proportion

The relationship between two variables that are either directly proportional or inversely proportional is examined in this topic. A change in one variable causes a proportional increase in the other when the two variables are directly proportional, but a change in one variable causes a proportional decrease in the other when the two variables are inversely proportional. In order to set up and solve equations involving direct and inverse proportionality, which is useful in industries like physics, chemistry, and finance, students learn how to do so.

Rates of Change

Students use graphs and tables to study change rates. They gain knowledge of average rates of change, which explain how one quantity changes in relation to another and include things like speed, growth rates, and decay rates. Understanding dynamic processes and how variables interact over time requires a strong grasp of this idea.


The development of mathematics understanding and competence at the GCSE level is essential for determining students’ academic trajectories and potential future occupations. It develops critical thinking, logical reasoning, and the capacity to confidently address challenging challenges. A solid foundation in mathematics also provides access to a wide range of professions, including those in the sciences, engineering, economics, and technology.

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