Pre Exam Revision: GCSE Maths

One key advantage of enrolling in a pre exam GCSE maths revision course is its approach to learning. These courses are carefully designed to cover the topics that students find most difficult. By following an organised course students receive guidance on what they need to study and when. This structure helps break down the syllabus into sections making it easier for students to understand and remember the information.

Our pre exam GCSE maths revision courses employ teachers who specialise in teaching mathematics. These experienced teachers have an understanding of the GCSE curriculum. They are highly skilled at identifying common areas where students face challenges. They offer personalised support and guidance tailored to help students enhance their strengths and boost their confidence.

Achieving good grades in GCSE maths exams is not just through a grasp of the material but also effective strategies and techniques. Revision courses teach students how to manage their time during exams, interpret questions and present their solutions clearly. These valuable techniques are instrumental in enabling students to perform at their best under the pressure of exam conditions.

During a revision course students get the chance to connect with their peers who are also preparing for the upcoming exams. The support from students can be incredibly valuable during the learning process. They can collaborate on problem solving, share study techniques as well as motivate each other. The bond that forms among them in these courses makes the learning experience more enjoyable and less isolating.

Suitable for:

If you need help deciding if you will benefit from this course you can contact us. Alternatively, you may prefer to book an online maths tutor instead.

Structure of the Day

Classes are from 9.30am to 6:15pm. Registration starts from 9.15am on day one of the course.

There will be a 1 hour lunch as well as a total of three 15 minute breaks.

GCSE Maths
Revision Courses

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