Simplifying Algebraic Fractions

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Simplifying Algebraic Fractions GCSE Maths – Introduction

Algebraic fractions are an important topic covered in GCSE Higher level mathematics. This topic builds upon the foundation laid in earlier algebra courses and plays a significant role in A Level mathematics as well. The main method used to simplify algebraic fractions is factorisation. Understanding the history of algebraic fractions can provide valuable insights into their development. In conclusion, simplifying algebraic fractions is a fundamental skill that students encounter in GCSE Higher mathematics, and it continues to be relevant in more advanced levels of study.

GCSE Higher Level and Algebraic Fractions

The topic of simplifying algebraic fractions is typically encountered at the GCSE Higher level. At this stage, students are expected to have a strong understanding of basic algebraic concepts and operations. They are introduced to more complex algebraic expressions, including fractions with algebraic terms in the numerator and denominator. Simplifying such expressions is crucial for solving equations and manipulating algebraic equations effectively.

The Transition to A Level Mathematics

The skills developed in simplifying algebraic fractions GCSE Maths Higher level mathematics are carried forward into A Level mathematics. A Level mathematics builds upon the foundation laid in GCSE and dives deeper into advanced topics. The ability to simplify algebraic fractions becomes increasingly important as students encounter more complex equations and expressions. It serves as a stepping stone towards mastering advanced algebraic concepts and problem-solving techniques.

The Main Method: Factorisation

The primary method used to simplify algebraic fractions GCSE Maths is factorisation. By factoring both the numerator and denominator, common factors can be identified and cancelled out, leading to a simplified form of the fraction. This process simplifies the expression and allows for easier manipulation and calculation. Factorisation plays a crucial role in simplifying algebraic fractions and is a fundamental skill that students must develop.

The History of Algebraic Fractions

The origin of algebraic fractions can be traced back to ancient civilisations, where the concept of fractions was first established. However, the development of algebraic fractions as a distinctive field within mathematics took shape during the Renaissance period. Mathematicians like François Viète and René Descartes made significant contributions to the understanding and manipulation of algebraic fractions GCSE Maths. Over time, algebraic fractions became an integral part of algebraic notation and were further refined by mathematicians in the years that followed.

Simplifying Algebraic Fractions GCSE Maths - Easy Examples

Let us start with some easy examples and as we progress through this article we will see some quite challenging questions. 

With each question the aim is to simplify the algebraic fraction as much as possible

\begin{aligned} &\frac{3 a+9}{a^3+3 a^2}\\ &\frac{3(a+3)}{a^2(a+3)}\\ &\frac{3}{a^2} \end{aligned}


\begin{aligned} &\frac{3 b+b^3}{4 b^2+12}\\ &\frac{b\left(3+b^2\right)}{4\left(b^2+3\right)}\\ &\frac{b}{4} \end{aligned}


\begin{aligned} & \frac{10 n^2-90}{2 n-6} \\ & \frac{10\left(n^2-9\right)}{2(n-3)}=\frac{10(n+3)(n-3)}{2(n-3)} \\ & 5(n+3) \end{aligned}


\begin{aligned} & \frac{4 k^2-1}{6 k^3-3 k^2} \\ & \frac{(2 k+1)(2 k-1)}{3 k^2(2 k-1)} \\ & \frac{2 k+1}{3 k^2} \end{aligned}


Simplifying Algebraic Fractions GCSE Maths - Harder Examples

\begin{aligned} &\begin{aligned} & \frac{9 x^2-25}{3 x^2+14 x+15} \\ & \frac{(3 x+5)(3 x-5)}{(3 x+5)(x+3)} \end{aligned}\\ &\frac{3 x-5}{x+3} \end{aligned}


\begin{aligned} &\frac{n^2+11 n+24}{5 n^2+22 n+21}\\ &\frac{(n+8)(n+3)}{(5 n+7)(n+3)}\\ &\frac{n+8}{5 n+7} \end{aligned}


\begin{aligned} &\begin{gathered} \frac{45-20 x^2}{2 x^2+5 x+3} \\ \frac{5\left(9-4 x^2\right)}{(2 x+3)(x+1)}=\frac{5(3-2 x)(3+2 x)}{(2 x+3)(x+1)} \end{gathered}\\ &\frac{5(3-2 x)}{x+1} \end{aligned}


\begin{aligned} &\frac{3 x^2-300}{6 x^2+55 x-50}\\ &\frac{3\left(x^2-100\right)}{(6 x-5)(x+10)}=\frac{3(x+10)(x-10)}{(6 x-5)(x+10)}\\ &\frac{3(x-10)}{6 x-5} \end{aligned}
A teacher smiling at camera in classroom

Simplifying Algebraic Fractions GCSE Maths – Very Hard Examples

\begin{aligned} & \frac{9}{x^3} \times \frac{x^4(3 x+10)}{(3 x+10)(3 x-10)} \times \frac{2(3 x-10)}{x^2} \\ = & \frac{18 x^4(3 x+10)(3 x-10)}{x^5(3 x+10)(3 x-10)} \\ = & \frac{18}{x} \end{aligned}

\begin{aligned} & 2 x-\frac{x^2(x-1)}{(x+3)(x-1)} \times \frac{2 x^2-1}{x^2}=\frac{\left(2 x^2+6 x\right)-\left(2 x^2-1\right)}{x+3} \\ & =2 x-\frac{2 x^2-1}{x+3}=\frac{2 x^2+6 x-2 x^2+1}{x+3} \\ & =\frac{2 x(x+3)}{x+3}-\frac{2 x^2-1}{x+3}=\frac{6 x+1}{x+3} \end{aligned}

\begin{aligned} \frac{12(x-3)}{x(x+5)} & \times \frac{(x+4)(x+5)}{3(x-3)} \\ & =\frac{12(x-3)(x+4)(x+5)}{3 x(x+5)(x-3)} \\ & =\frac{4(x+4)}{x} \\ & =\frac{4 x+16}{x} \\ & =4+\frac{16}{x} \end{aligned}


In conclusion, simplifying algebraic fractions GCSE Maths is a topic encountered at the GCSE Higher level of mathematics. It serves as a foundation for more advanced levels of study, such as A Level mathematics. The main method used to simplify algebraic fractions is factorisation, which allows for the identification and cancellation of common factors. The history of algebraic fractions dates back to ancient civilizations, with significant developments occurring during the Renaissance period. Developing proficiency in simplifying algebraic fractions is crucial for students pursuing further studies in mathematics and related fields.

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