5 Key Facts About the Discriminant in A Level Maths

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The discriminant – Introduction

The discriminant is a fundamental concept in A Level Maths that plays a crucial role in solving quadratic equations. It is a mathematical expression that is derived from the coefficients of a quadratic equation and helps us understand the nature of its roots. 

When solving quadratic equations, the discriminant allows us to determine whether the equation has real or complex roots. By calculating the discriminant, which is represented by the symbol Δ (delta), we can gain valuable insights into the nature of the solutions. 

The discriminant can take on three possible values: positive, negative, or zero. If the discriminant is positive, it indicates that the quadratic equation has two distinct real roots. On the other hand, if the discriminant is negative, the equation has two complex roots. Lastly, if the discriminant is zero, it signifies that the equation has one real root, which is repeated or known as a double root. 

In summary, the discriminant is a powerful tool in A Level Maths that helps us analyse quadratic equations and determine the nature of their roots. By calculating the discriminant, we can gain insights into whether the equation has real or complex roots, and if real, whether they are distinct or repeated. This concept is essential in solving quadratic equations and provides a deeper understanding of their solutions.

Definition and Formula

The discriminant is a fundamental mathematical concept that plays a crucial role in determining the nature of the roots of a quadratic equation. It is a mathematical expression that helps us understand whether the quadratic equation has real roots, imaginary roots, or repeated roots. By evaluating the discriminant, we can gain valuable insights into the behaviour and characteristics of the quadratic equation.

The formula for calculating the discriminant is Δ = b² – 4ac, where Δ represents the discriminant itself. The discriminant is derived from the coefficients of the quadratic equation, namely a, b, and c. These coefficients are the numerical values that accompany the variables in the quadratic equation.

In the formula, ‘a’ represents the coefficient of the quadratic term, which is the term with the variable raised to the power of 2. It determines the curvature of the quadratic equation’s graph. If ‘a’ is positive, the graph opens upwards, indicating a concave shape. Conversely, if ‘a’ is negative, the graph opens downwards, indicating a convex shape.

The variable ‘b’ represents the coefficient of the linear term, which is the term with the variable raised to the power of 1. It determines the slope of the quadratic equation’s graph. The value of ‘b’ influences whether the graph is steep or shallow, and whether it is tilted to the left or right.

Lastly, ‘c’ represents the constant term, which is the term without any variables. It determines the vertical shift of the quadratic equation’s graph. The value of ‘c’ determines whether the graph is shifted upwards or downwards along the y-axis.

By understanding the meaning of each variable in the discriminant formula, we can analyse the nature of the roots of a quadratic equation more effectively and gain a deeper understanding of its graphical representation.

Nature of Roots

In the case where the discriminant (Δ) is greater than zero, it indicates that the equation has two distinct real roots. This means that when we solve the equation, we will find two different values that satisfy it. These real roots can be plotted on a graph as two distinct points on the x-axis. The presence of two real roots suggests that the equation intersects the x-axis at two different points, indicating that it has two solutions.

When the discriminant (Δ) is equal to zero, it signifies that the equation has one real root, which is also known as a repeated root. In this scenario, when we solve the equation, we will find only one value that satisfies it. This single real root can be plotted on a graph as a single point on the x-axis. The presence of a repeated root suggests that the equation intersects the x-axis at the same point twice, indicating that it has one solution that is repeated.

In the situation where the discriminant (Δ) is less than zero, it clarifies that the equation has no real roots, but instead has two complex roots. Complex roots involve the use of imaginary numbers. When we solve the equation, we will find two complex values that satisfy it. These complex roots cannot be plotted on a graph as they do not lie on the real number line. The presence of complex roots suggests that the equation does not intersect the x-axis at any point, indicating that it has no real solutions.

A teacher smiling at camera in classroom

Applications and Examples

The discriminant, a mathematical tool, finds its practical applications in a wide range of fields including physics, engineering, and finance. In physics, the discriminant is used to analyse the behaviour of physical systems described by quadratic equations. For instance, when studying the motion of a projectile, the discriminant can help determine whether the projectile will follow a parabolic trajectory or not. This information is crucial for accurately predicting the path and behaviour of the projectile.

In engineering, the discriminant plays a vital role in analysing the stability and behaviour of various systems. For example, when designing a bridge, engineers often encounter quadratic equations that describe the forces acting on the structure. By utilising the discriminant, engineers can determine whether the bridge will experience stable or unstable conditions. This knowledge allows them to make informed decisions regarding the design and construction of the bridge, ensuring its safety and functionality.

In the field of finance, the discriminant is utilised to assess the profitability and risk associated with certain investments. For instance, when analysing the performance of a company, financial analysts often employ quadratic equations to model revenue and cost functions. By using the discriminant, analysts can determine the nature of the roots of these equations, which provides insights into the company’s financial stability and potential for growth. This information is crucial for making informed investment decisions and managing financial risks effectively.

To demonstrate how to use the discriminant, let’s consider the quadratic equation: ax^2 + bx + c = 0. We can calculate the discriminant using the formula: D = b^2 – 4ac. 

For example, let’s take the equation 2x^2 + 5x + 2 = 0. By substituting the values of a, b, and c into the discriminant formula, we get D = 5^2 – 4(2)(2) = 25 – 16 = 9. 

Now, based on the value of the discriminant, we can determine the nature of the roots. If the discriminant is positive (D > 0), the equation has two distinct real roots. In our example, since D = 9 > 0, the equation 2x^2 + 5x + 2 = 0 has two distinct real roots.

If the discriminant is zero (D = 0), the equation has one real root. For instance, consider the equation x^2 + 4x + 4 = 0. 

Discriminant Questions



Discriminant Mark Scheme Solutions

Q1 Part a) 

\begin{aligned} & b^2-4 a c=(k-3)^2-4(3-2 k) \\ & k^2-6 k+9-4(3-2 k)>0 \end{aligned}k^2+2 k-3>0

Part b) 

\begin{aligned} & (k+3)(k-1)[=0] \\ & k=1 \text { or }-3 \end{aligned}

Q2 Part a) 

b^2-4 a c=(k+3)^2-4 k

Part b) 

(k+3)^2-4 k=k^2+2 k+9=(k+1)^2+8

Part c) 

(k+1)^2 \geq 0 \text { for all } k \text {. }

Q3 Part a) 

b^2-4 a c>0 \Rightarrow 16-4 k(5-k)>0k^2-5 k+4>0

Part b) 

\begin{aligned} (k-4)(k-1) & =0 \quad k= \\ k & =1 \text { or } 4 \end{aligned}k<1 \text { or } k>4

Q4 Part a) 

\left(x+\frac{4 k}{2}\right)^2-\left(\frac{4 k}{2}\right)^2+3+11 k

Part b) 

" 4 k^2-11 k-3 "=0 \quad(4 k+1)(k-3)=0 \quad k=\ldots-\frac{1}{4}<k<3

Part c) 

Q5 Part a) 

x^2-4 k(1-2 x)+5 k(-0)x^2+8 k x+k=0

Part b) 

\begin{aligned} &(8 k)^2-4 k\\ &k=\frac{1}{16}(\mathrm{oe}) \end{aligned}


The discriminant holds significant importance in A Level Maths as it plays a crucial role in solving quadratic equations and determining the nature of their roots. By calculating the discriminant, one can easily determine whether the quadratic equation has real or complex roots, or if it has no real roots at all. This information is vital in understanding the behaviour and characteristics of quadratic equations. 

It is essential to recognize the discriminant’s role in solving quadratic equations as it provides valuable insights into the nature of their roots. By analysing the discriminant, mathematicians can determine if the equation has two distinct real roots, one repeated real root, or two complex conjugate roots. This knowledge helps in comprehending the behaviour and patterns exhibited by quadratic equations. 

To enhance understanding and proficiency in dealing with the discriminant, it is highly encouraged to engage in further exploration and practice. By solving a variety of quadratic equations and calculating their discriminants, students can strengthen their grasp on this fundamental concept. This practice will not only solidify their understanding of the discriminant but also improve their problem-solving skills in A Level Maths.

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