Is Calculus Actually Useful?

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Developed in the 17th century by Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, calculus is a field of mathematics that is fundamental to both science and mathematics. It covers the study of motion and change and offers instruments for modelling and analysing intricate systems. But as students start their academic path, many may question whether calculus is actually beneficial in real-world situations outside of the classroom.

Calculus in Physics

Physics is heavily reliant on calculus, which enables researchers to model and forecast the behaviour of physical systems. Calculus is utilised in classical mechanics to comprehend motion, forces, energy, and momentum. Calculus, for instance, aids in calculating the trajectory of projectiles, forecasting the motion of celestial bodies, and examining the forces at work on moving objects.

Calculus is essential for studying electric and magnetic fields, analysing circuits, and comprehending wave events in electromagnetism. Fluid dynamics, which is essential to understanding weather patterns, ocean currents, and aerodynamics in engineering applications, also uses calculus to represent the flow of liquids and gases.

Calculus is used in many other fields of physics in addition to electromagnetic and classical mechanics, further demonstrating how important it is for comprehending the natural world.

Quantum Mechanics

Calculus is used in quantum mechanics to describe how atomic and subatomic particles behave. To represent the wave-like behaviour of particles and determine the probability of particle interactions, quantum mechanics extensively relies on differential equations. A fundamental equation in quantum mechanics known as the Schrödinger equation is a partial differential equation that describes how a physical system’s quantum state evolves over time.


The study of heat, energy transmission, and the behaviour of macrosystems are all topics covered by thermodynamics. Important thermodynamic relations like the ideal gas law and the principles of thermodynamics are derived using calculus. It enables researchers to compute work done in various processes, examine heat flows, and comprehend how systems behave when temperature and pressure are changing.


Calculus is essential for comprehending the curvature of spacetime brought on by large objects in Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Tensors and differential geometry, which both require calculus, are used by general relativity to describe the gravitational interactions between heavy things. Calculus is used to anticipate the behaviour of black holes and to construct the equations governing the gravitational lensing or bending of light around large objects.

A teacher smiling at camera in classroom

Calculus in Engineering

Calculus enables engineers to optimise designs, forecast system behaviour, and address complex engineering problems. The practical uses of calculus in engineering will increase knowledge and help find answers to the world’s problems in the future as technology develops. Engineers can empower themselves to develop novel solutions that enhance infrastructure, society, and people’s quality of life by embracing calculus.

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Calculus is used by electrical engineers to develop control systems, research electromagnetic fields, and analyse circuits. Calculus is useful in mechanical engineering because it enables the analysis of forces and moments on machines and the performance optimization of those machines.

Robotics and Control Systems

Calculus is essential in robotics and control systems engineering for designing and programming robotic movements. Calculus is used by engineers to determine the trajectory, acceleration, and velocity of robotic arms to ensure accurate and effective movement. Engineers can create autonomous machines and robots that can adapt to shifting situations using calculus-based control systems.

Biomedical Engineering

Calculus is used by biomedical engineers to model biological systems and interpret patient data. Understanding blood flow in the cardiovascular system, simulating brain neuron firing, and examining medical imaging data all involve calculus. It contributes significantly to the creation of medical equipment that improves patient’s quality of life, like pacemakers and prosthetics.

Calculus in Economics

Calculus is a tool that economists use to model and examine several aspects of the economy, including supply and demand, consumer behaviour, and market equilibrium. Calculus assists in identifying the best pricing to charge, the best levels of output, and the best paths for economic progress. For this reason, calculus is an integral part of our A-Level maths revision course. Additionally, it is essential to economic modelling since it enables economists to foresee how various policies and outside variables would affect the economy.

Calculus is a tool that economists use to forecast economic consequences, make better judgments, and suggest policy. Calculus’ useful applications in economics advance the use of evidence-based decision-making in both the public and commercial sectors and help us better understand how economies behave. Calculus will continue to be a crucial skill for economists as economies change, advancing economic development and tackling social issues with rigorous mathematics.

Cost and Production Functions

Calculus aids economists in their analysis of firms’ cost and production functions in microeconomics. Calculus-based optimization approaches are used to identify the production and input levels that maximise profits. For organisations to run effectively and be competitive in the market, these insights are crucial.


Calculus is used in macroeconomics to simulate the behaviour of entire economies. Calculus-based equations are used by economists to research fiscal policy, inflation, unemployment, and economic growth. Calculus enables economists to examine how governmental actions and economic shocks affect local, national, and international economies.

Calculus in Computer Science

Calculus is used in computer science in a variety of contexts, such as graphics and animation, data analysis, and artificial intelligence. Calculus is essential to computer graphics, where it is utilized to describe complicated shapes, simulate fluid dynamics, and produce realistic animations.

Calculus is necessary for training models, optimizing algorithms, and other optimization tasks in machine learning and data analysis. Calculus aids algorithms in iteratively adjusting their parameters to discover the optimum answers to a variety of situations.

Calculus in Architecture

Architects can push the boundaries of design, produce iconic structures, and sculpt the urban landscape with cutting-edge technologies by carefully applying calculus. Calculus remains a fundamental building block that enables architects to conceive and create the cities of the future with a harmonious fusion of creativity and mathematical accuracy as the field of architecture continues to develop.

Calculus helps architects develop safe, useful, and aesthetically beautiful structures by helping them analyse structural stability and optimise building designs. Calculus is used in architecture to create creative, environmentally friendly designs that seamlessly combine artistic expression and structural soundness.

Final Thoughts

Calculus is a cornerstone in the vast fabric of human knowledge, allowing us to study the complexity of nature, create a sustainable future, and push the limits of human inventiveness. Its enduring value and significant influence on numerous facets of contemporary life confirm its standing as a vital and enduring discipline that propels advancement and serves as an inspiration for new generations of thinkers and creators.

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