Integration for A Level Maths

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A fundamental idea in mathematics called integration is essential in science and engineering. At the A-Level, students continue their study of calculus by delving into the complexities of integration. In order to give readers a thorough understanding of the subject, we shall discuss the essential integration principles for A-Level mathematics revision in this post.

What is Integration?

In mathematics, a procedure called integration is used to determine the area under a curve. It is differentiation done backwards, and both are crucial operations in calculus. Integration focuses on determining the accumulation or summation of quantities, whereas differentiation focuses on determining the rate of change of a function.

The Definite and Indefinite Integrals

The two types of integrals that students face in A-Level arithmetic are definite and indefinite integrals.

Indefinite Integral

A family of functions with the same derivative, f(x), are represented by an indefinite integral, which is frequently written as f(x)dx. It is referred to as an antiderivative and has no established limitations. An arbitrary constant, denoted as “C,” is included in the outcome of an indefinite integral.

Definite Integral

On the other hand, the area under the curve of the function f(x) is determined inside the boundaries of a specified integral, denoted as [a, b]f(x)dx, which has specific bounds, ‘a’ and ‘b. It gives a number that represents the total area included within the specified boundaries by the curve and the x-axis.

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

One of the fundamental ideas of integration is the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The relationship between differentiation and integration is established. It is divided into two sections:

First Part

If the function f(x) on the interval [a, b] is an antiderivative of F(x), then:

  ∫[a, b]f(x)dx = F(b) – F(a)

In this section, we can evaluate definite integrals by identifying the function’s antiderivatives.

Second Part

The function: if F(x) is continuous on the range [a, b], then

  G(x) = ax[F(t)dt)

 , which is continuous, differentiable on [a, b], and whose derivative G'(x) = F(x)

Finding definite integrals is made easier by this theorem since it lets us avoid the time-consuming procedure of calculating areas geometrically.

A teacher smiling at camera in classroom

Integration Techniques

Students are introduced to a variety of integral-solving methods in A-Level mathematics, including:


Integrals can be made simpler using the substitution method by using a new variable. It comes when working with complicated integrands. The integral’s form determines which substitution variable should be used.

Integration by Parts

Comparable to the product rule for differentiation is this strategy. It entails selecting the two functions u(x) and dv(x), then using the following formula:

  u(x)dv(x) is equal to u(x)v(x) – v(x)du(x).

  This approach is useful for resolving integrals of function product equations.

Partial Fractions

A complex rational function is decomposed into simpler fractions using partial fractions. When integrating rational functions, this method is crucial.

Graphical Representation of Integration

Finding the area beneath a curve is how integration is shown graphically. When we integrate a function f(x) from ‘a’ to ‘b,’ we are effectively computing the net area contained between the curve and the x-axis throughout the range [a, b]. The integral represents the area above the x-axis if the function is positive over this range, and the area below the x-axis if the function is negative. While the sign of the integral denotes the area’s direction, its magnitude denotes the entire area.

Integration as a Limit Process

Understanding integration as a limit process can help you grasp it more thoroughly. By dividing the interval [a, b] into ‘n’ subintervals of identical width, x = (b – a)/n, it is possible to approximate function f(x) from ‘a’ to ‘b’. The total area of rectangles that roughly represent the area beneath the curve is then taken into account. This sum converges to the definite integral when the quantity of subintervals ‘n’ gets closer to infinity:

“[a, b]f(x)dx = lim (n->” From [1 to n] f(xi)

This limit process is fundamental to comprehending the idea of area accumulation since it enables the precise calculation of definite integrals.

Properties of Integration

Integration has a number of characteristics that make application simpler:


Since integration is a linear operation, constants may be factored out of the integral and sum is equal to integrals:

  ∫[a, b](f(x) + g(x))dx = ∫[a, b]f(x)dx + ∫[a, b]g(x)dx

  ∫[a, b]cf(x)dx = c∫[a, b]f(x)dx


The integral over a symmetric interval can be made simpler for symmetric functions. If the function f(x) is even and symmetric about the y axis:

  ∫[-a, a]f(x)dx = 2∫[0, a]f(x)dx

Change of Limits

It is possible to change the integration limitations without changing the integral’s value:

  ∫[a, b]f(x)dx = -∫[b, a]f(x)dx

Advanced Topics in Integration

Students may come into more complex subjects relating to integration as they develop in their mathematical studies. Some of these subjects are:

Improper Integrals

Integrals that are not properly specified or continuous over the complete range [a, b] are dealt with. They entail setting restrictions as one or both integration limits go closer to infinity or negative infinity.

Parametric Integration

When working with functions that are defined by parametric equations, parametric integration is used. Integrating with respect to a parameter is required.

Multivariable Integration

Integration includes functions of several variables in multivariable calculus. Students get the ability to integrate across areas in two and three dimensions.

Line Integrals and Surface Integrals

Surface integrals involve integrating across a surface, whereas line integrals include integrating a scalar or vector function along a curve. In the study of vector calculus, these ideas are crucial.


A fundamental idea in A-Level mathematics, integration is vital in many branches of science and engineering. It includes determining the accumulation or amount of quantities, and it has a variety of different applications. For success in A-Level mathematics and beyond, it is crucial to comprehend the fundamental ideas of integration, including definite and indefinite integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and integration procedures. Integration is a fundamental concept in mathematics because it offers a potent tool for solving challenging mathematical puzzles and simulating real-world events.

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