Integration by Parts

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Calculus, a mathematics that studies change and motion, is used in physics, engineering, economics, and more. Integration, which determines quantity buildup over intervals, is a fundamental calculus procedure. Integration by parts evaluates integrals of function products well. Integration by parts, its origin, and its applications will be discussed in this post.

Understanding Integration

Before discussing parts-based integration, let’s briefly review integration. Integration follows differentiation, both of these topics cover a large part of A Level Maths. It involves finding a function’s integral, or region under its curve. A function’s integral is represented by the notation f(x) dx, where f(x) is the function to be integrated, dx is the infinitesimal change in the independent variable x, and is the integral sign.

The basic integration principle is to calculate the area of each small, infinitesimal rectangle, divide the region under the curve into smaller rectangles, and add them to get the entire area. This procedure becomes more precise and more closely approximates the integral of the function as the width of the rectangles gets closer to zero.

Integration by Parts

We can integrate the result of two functions, u(x) and v'(x), using the integration by parts method, where u(x) and v(x) are differentiable functions of x. The following is the formula for integration by parts:

u(x)v(x) dx equals u(x)v(x) – v(x)u'(x) dx.

The variables u(x) and v(x) in this formula are selected so that the differentiation of u(x) and the integration of v'(x) are easier to handle than the original integral. Complex integrals can frequently be made simpler by using this formula repeatedly or in conjunction with other integration methods.

Derivation of Integration by Parts

We can start with the product rule for differentiation, which asserts the following, to better understand where the integration by parts formula originates from:

(d/dx)[u(x)v(x)] equals u(x)v'(x) plus v(x)u'(x)

Let’s now rearrange this equation to separate the relevant integral:

[u(x)v'(x) + v(x)u'(x)] = u(x)v'(x) dx dx

The basic theorem of calculus, which connects differentiation and integration, can therefore be used:

u(x)v'(x) plus v(x)u'(x) u(x) = v(x) + C

where C is the integration constant. The only difference between this and the integration by parts formula is the addition of the simple term u(x)v(x). This term can be eliminated by deducting it from both sides of the equation as follows:

dx = [u(x)v'(x) + v(x)u'(x)] = u(x)v(x) + u(x)v'(x) u(x)v(x) = dx

The integration by parts formula is now obtained by focusing on the integral on the left side of the equation:

u(x)v(x) dx equals u(x)v(x) – v(x)u'(x) dx.

It is evident from this derivation how the product rule and the calculus fundamental theorem are used to create integration by parts.

A teacher smiling at camera in classroom

Applying Integration by Parts

Let’s look at some examples of how to use the integration by parts formula to assess integrals now that we have it.


Example 1: ∫x * ln(x) dx

Let’s evaluate the integral x * ln(x) dx using integration by parts.

In this instance, we pick:

Since u(x) = ln(x), u'(x) equals 1/x.

Since v'(x) = x, v(x) equals (1/2)x2.

The integration by parts formula can now be used:

∫x * ln(x) dx equals u(x)v(x) – v(x)u'(x). dx = ln(x) * (1/2)x^2 – ∫(1/2)x^2 * (1/x) dx

The integral on the right side can now be made simpler:

The formula is (1/2)x dx = (1/2) * (1/2)x2 + C = (1/4)x2 + C.

The end outcome is thus:

ln(x) * (1/2)x2 – (1/4)x2 + C = x * ln(x) dx

Example 2: ∫e^x * sin(x) dx

Let’s evaluate the integral e*x*sin(x)dx using integration by parts.

In this instance, we pick:

u(x) = e(x), i.e., u'(x) = e(x).

v(x) = -cos(x), since v'(x) = sin(x).

The integration by parts formula can now be used:

e x x sin x dx = u (x) v (x) – “v(x)u'(x) dx = ex” (-cos(x)) (-cos(x))*(ex) dx

The integral on the right side can now be made simpler:

The expression is (-cos(x)) * (ex) dx.

Since this integral resembles the previous one, we can once more use integration by parts:

u(x) = cos(x), and u'(x) = -sin(x), respectively.

v'(x) = e(x), i.e., v(x) = e(x).

(-cos(x)) * (ex) dx = (-cos(x)) * (ex) – (-sin(x)) dx = (-cos(x)) * (ex) + (-sin(x)) * sin(x) dx

The integral we wish to examine will now be moved to the left:

ex * (-cos(x)) – cos(x) * ex = 2ex * sin(x) dx

-2ex * cos(x) dx equals 2ex * sin(x) dx.

Finally, we get the outcome:

-ex * cos(x) = ex * sin(x) dx.

We were able to successfully analyse this integral by integration by parts.

Tabular Integration by Parts

To thoroughly evaluate an integral, integration by parts may occasionally need to be used more than once. The tabular method can be a practical way to avoid using the integration by parts formula repeatedly in such circumstances.

Let’s look at a situation where tabular integration by parts would be really beneficial:

Example 3: ∫x^3 * e^x dx

Since each application of integration by parts reduces the power of x by 1, we need to apply it three times in order to evaluate x3 * ex dx. The tabular approach allows us to speed up the procedure:

A two-column table should be made.

 labeled “u” and “dv/dx.”












  1. Use integration by parts on the table’s first row:

   x3 * ex dx equals x3 * ex – x2 * ex dx.

  1. Move on to the following row:

   3×2*ex dx equals 3×2*ex – 6x*ex dx.

  1. Reiterating:

   6x * ex dx equals 6x * ex minus 6 * ex dx.

  1. The final row, in order:

   6 * ex dx is equal to 6 * ex – 0 dx.

We can continue to simplify since the integral of 0 is a constant:

The formula for x3 * ex dx is x3 * ex – (3×2 * ex – 6x * ex + 6 * ex).

We can now factor out ex:

ex * (x3 – 3×2 + 6x – 6) is equal to x3 * ex dx.


This illustrates how applying integration by parts several times is made simpler by the tabular method.

Practical Applications of Integration by Parts

Integration by parts is a flexible technique with many real-world applications in a variety of industries. Let’s look at a few instances where this approach comes in handy.

Physics and Engineering

Motion, energy, and wave-related issues are typically solved using integration by parts in physics and engineering. It can be used, for instance, to determine moments of inertia, compute the work done by a force, or construct equations for oscillatory systems.

Probability and Statistics

When utilising probability density functions and cumulative distribution functions in probability and statistics, integration by parts is used. In order to compute moments, expected values, and other statistical features, it is necessary.

Quantum Mechanics

Schrödinger equations are resolved via integration by parts in quantum mechanics, and wave functions are derived for quantum systems. It is essential for comprehending how particles behave at the atomic and subatomic scales.


Calculus’s main approach for assessing function product integrals is “integration by parts.” Selecting the right functions for u(x) and v'(x) simplifies complex integrals. Deriving the integration by parts formula from the product rule and fundamental theorem reveals Calculus’ core ideas. Physics, engineering, probability, quantum mechanics, and economics use integration by parts. It can help us solve problems and understand their mathematical roots. As you learn calculus and mathematics, integration by parts will help you solve difficult issues and explore the mathematical cosmos.

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