Graph Transformations | Best GCSE Guide

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What we are going to look at in this article is the transformation of graphs. For GCSE maths, you need to be able to describe the transformation of a curve in both the x and y axes. 

As well as this you also need to be able to understand what is meant by a combined transformation as well as being able to use vector notation to describe a graph transformations

Graph Transformations - Introduction

Starting with a curve y=x^2 we will apply a number of graph transformations in the x and y axis and look at the effect that this has on the equation of the curve. 

  1. y=f(x) \mp a

Here we have the curve y=x^2 

This type of curve is a quadratic curve and it is symmetrical about the y=axis which is the same as the line x = 0. Now let us suppose that we move or transform this equation by moving up in the positive y direction. 

So let us say we now want to draw the curve y=x^2+2

What will this look like?

You can see from the diagram that the original curve has gone up 2 units in the positive y direction. So in terms of a vector translation, nothing has happened in the x-directon but the curve has moved 2 units in the y direction. As a vector this can be written as \left(\frac{0}{2}\right)

So in general we can say that a curve of the form y=f(x) \mp a represents a transformation of \mp aunits in the y-direction.

Graph Transformation y=f(x \mp a)

Again let us start off with the curve y=x^2

Suppose now we want to move the curve along the x-axis only and let us say by 2 units in the positive x – direction. 

What will our equation look like now?

Before we answer this, as a vector this would be written as \left(\frac{2}{0}\right)

o here, x = 2. Now we will set this equal to zero so x – 2 = 0

And it is this x – 2 that we will write in replacement for x. So our new equation is now y=(x-2)^2

It is surprising that even though the curve is moving in the positive x – direction, 2 is actually being subtracted from x and the graph below shows the result. 

As we can see the original curve has moved two units to the right of the original. 

A good way to determine the direction in which a curve moves is to set the brackets equal to 0. So with y=(x+2)^2, setting x+ 2 = 0 gives x = – 2. And this gives you the direction of the curve. 

So in general we can say that a curve of the form y=f(x \pm a) represents a transformation of \mp a units in the x-direction.

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Graph Transformations – Combined transformation

Starting with the curve y=x^2 suppose we want to transform the curve by \left(\frac{-2}{3}\right).

What will happen to the curve and what will this look like?

In terms of the x – axis, x = -2, so x + 2 = 0. In other words the curve is moving 2 units to the left in the x-direction and it is moving 3 units in the y-direction. 

We can then write the new equation as y=(x+2)^2+3 and the graph is shown below. 

From the diagram above you can see that this combined transformation the new curve as a new minimum point at (-2, 3)

Transformations and generic graphs

Suppose we have a generic curve such as y = f(x) and this is shown below.

From the curve you can see that there is a point (1, 1) which appears at a maximum point on the curve. We want to determine the new coordinates under the following transformations: 

\begin{aligned} & y=f(x)+2 \\ & y=f(x)-3 \\ & y=f(x-2) \\ & y=f(x+3) \\ & y=f(x-1)+4 \end{aligned}


Here the curve moves up 2 units in the y-direction so the new coordinates will be (1,3)

Here the curve moves down 3 units in the y-direction so the new coordinates will be (1, -2)

Here the curve moves 2 units in the x-direction so the new coordinates will be (3,1)

Here the curve moves -3 units the x-direction so the new coordinates will be (-2, 1)

Here the curve moves 1 unit in the x-direction and then 4 units in the y direction so the new coordinates will be (2,5)

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