Getting An A* In A Level Maths.

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Aiming for an A* in A Level Maths? Here’s what you need to know:

Understanding the concepts is a great start in achieving a top grade, but it’s crucial to complement that understanding with extensive question practice. Without sufficient practice, you risk making small mistakes in your workings, even if your thinking is on the right track.

To secure that A*, focus on practising a wide range of questions. This will not only strengthen your problem-solving abilities but also familiarise you with the different types of questions that may appear in your exams.

Dedicate regular study sessions to tackle a variety of questions from each topic. By doing so, you’ll become more comfortable with the subject matter and develop strategies for approaching different question formats.

Moreover, practising questions effectively involves analysing your mistakes. When you encounter errors, take the time to understand where you went wrong and learn from these mistakes. This process will help you identify any recurring patterns of error, allowing you to address and rectify them.

When practising, pay attention to your working out. Ensure it is clear, logical, and well-structured. This will not only help you when revising but also assist the examiner in understanding your thought process and awarding you the marks you deserve.

To structure your study sessions, consider the following subheadings:

Importance of Question Practice
Types of Questions in A Level Maths
Strategies for Effective Question Practice
Analysing and Learning from Mistakes
The Importance of Clear and Structured Working Out

Remember, achieving an A* in A Level Maths requires not only grasping the concepts but also honing your problem-solving skills through extensive question practice.

How to Achieve an A* in A Level Maths

Aiming for an A* in A Level Maths can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavour. While the subject may seem vast and overwhelming, it’s important to remember that there are only a limited number of question types that can be asked in an exam. By familiarising yourself with past papers, you can identify recurring patterns and gain valuable insights into what you may encounter during the exam.

The Importance of Past Papers:
Past papers serve as invaluable resources for A Level Maths students. They provide a realistic representation of the exam format, allowing you to understand the structure, style, and difficulty level of questions. By working through past papers, you can enhance your exam technique, time management skills, and overall confidence.

Identifying Question Patterns:
When solving past papers, it becomes evident that certain question types reappear frequently. These patterns can involve specific concepts, problem-solving techniques, or mathematical principles. By recognizing these patterns, you can focus your revision efforts on mastering these key areas, increasing your chances of success in the exam.

Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills:
A Level Maths exams often require students to apply their knowledge to solve complex problems. Past papers provide ample opportunities to practise and refine your problem-solving skills. By repeatedly encountering different scenarios and question formats, you can develop a systematic approach to tackling problems, improving your ability to analyse, plan, and solve mathematical challenges efficiently.

Time Management:
Managing time effectively during exams is crucial. By solving past papers under timed conditions, you can gauge your speed and accuracy, identify time-consuming question types, and develop strategies to optimise your performance. By practising time management techniques, such as allocating specific time slots for each question, you can ensure that you complete the exam within the allocated time frame.

Gaining Exam Confidence:
One of the most significant benefits of working through past papers is the boost in exam confidence it provides. As you become familiar with various question types, develop problem-solving strategies, and refine your time management skills, your confidence in your abilities will grow. This increased confidence will help alleviate exam-related stress and allow you to approach the exam with a clear and focused mindset.

Aiming for an A* in A Level Maths requires dedication, practice, and a strategic approach to revision. By utilising past papers, you can gain a deeper understanding of the exam structure, identify question patterns, enhance problem-solving skills, improve time management, and ultimately increase your chances of achieving your desired grade. Remember, practice makes perfect, and by consistently working through past papers, you can maximise your potential in A Level Maths.

Achieving an A* in A Level Maths requires not only correct methodology but also clear and concise communication of your answers. The examiners cannot award you the mark you deserve if they cannot understand your work, even if your approach is correct. To ensure you receive the grade you deserve, it is crucial to lay out your answers to practice questions in a clear and organised manner. Let’s delve deeper into why this is vital and how you can adopt this practice effectively.

Importance of Clear Communication

When tackling complex mathematical problems, it is common for students to focus solely on finding the correct solution. However, overlooking the importance of clearly explaining your thought process can be detrimental to your exam performance. Examiners need to follow your reasoning step-by-step to fully comprehend your approach and assess your understanding. Without clear communication, they may struggle to decipher your work, potentially leading to a lower grade than you actually deserve.

The Impact on Grading

Examiners adhere to specific marking criteria, which includes assessing the clarity of your work. If your answers are convoluted or poorly presented, it becomes challenging for examiners to follow your logic, even if your methodology is fundamentally sound. Consequently, they may not be able to award you the marks you deserve, resulting in a lower grade. By presenting your work clearly, you empower the examiner to accurately assess your abilities, increasing your chances of obtaining the desired A* grade.

A teacher smiling at camera in classroom

Strategies for Clear Presentation

To ensure your answers are presented in a clear and coherent manner, consider the following strategies:

Use Structured Format: Begin each question with a clear heading and follow a logical structure throughout your answer. Use headings, paragraphs, and appropriate subheadings to organise your work and improve readability.

Show All Steps: Present all the necessary steps and calculations required to reach the final answer. This ensures transparency in your thought process and allows the examiner to follow your reasoning effortlessly.

Provide Explanations: Alongside the mathematical steps, include concise explanations for each step, highlighting the concepts and principles involved. This demonstrates your understanding and enables the examiner to easily grasp your approach.

Neatness and Clarity: Write legibly and ensure your work is neat and well-organised. Use rulers for diagrams and underline key equations or results. This enhances readability and reduces the chances of errors or misinterpretations.

Practice Regularly: Consistently practise answering questions while focusing on clear presentation. Regular practice will help you refine your technique and develop the habit of presenting your work in a structured and comprehensible manner.


In conclusion, achieving an A* in A Level Maths requires not only correct methodology but also clear and concise communication of your answers. By presenting your work in a logical and organised manner, you enable the examiner to understand and appreciate your abilities fully. Starting with practice questions, make sure to lay out your answers clearly, utilising suitable headings, explanations, and a structured format. By adopting these strategies, you increase the likelihood of receiving the grade you truly deserve.

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