Should my online physics tutor be an experienced teacher or university student?

Education concept. Student studying and brainstorming campus con

If you’re thinking about getting an online physics tutor, you may be wondering how qualified they actually are and if you should be spending money on them. Because let’s face it – tutoring prices can sometimes mount up to be expensive! So, should your online physics tutor be an experienced teacher or university student?

Experienced teachers

You may feel more secure by hiring an experienced teacher to tutor you. From their qualifications, you’ll know that they’d definitely be up to the job of teaching you physics, especially as teaching people physics is essentially their career.

From this, you’ll know that teachers will know what kind of things you need to do to succeed in the physics exams and will be able to offer you tips on how to improve your grade. Experienced teachers will have had to deal with tonnes of students throughout their academic career.

They’re getting paid for a reason – experienced teachers will know what they’re doing when it comes to the task of tutoring you in physics. They’ll know their way around the exam, mark schemes, and types of things that the examiner will want to see.

Being an experienced teacher, they should be passionate about their subject, making them more likely to readily pass this knowledge on to you. If you want confidence in who is tutoring you, hiring an experienced teacher may be the route to go down, although their prices could be high.

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University students

It’s becoming more and more common these days that university students are taking on the role of tutors as their part-time jobs. You might be apprehensive about hiring a university student to teach you but have no fear – despite lacking the experience that a teacher would have, they’ll still know what they’re talking about.

Whether you’re doing GCSE or A level physics, the university student would have gone through this themselves and will know exactly what you’re going through.

Their studies in physics will be fresher in their minds than an older teacher, meaning that they’ll have a ready idea of what the examiner wants to see and how you should best tackle the physics exams. After all, you can always ask the university student what grade they got. If they got an A or A* in their physics qualifications, you can confirm from this that they know what they’re talking about and should be able to help you on your own physics journey.

University students are also more likely to offer you a tutoring session for a lower price as they’re just trying to earn a bit of money on the side. This could be a great option for anyone on a lower budget who still wants confidence in their physics tutor.

A teacher smiling at camera in classroom

So, there you have it. Both types of tutors are good choices depending on your specific requirements. It depends on personal preference. However, both the student and experienced tutor should be able to help improve your grade in physics.

If you, or your parents would like to find out more, please just get in touch via email at or call us on 0800 689 1272

If you, or your parents would like to find out more, please just get in touch via email at or call us on 0800 689 1272

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