How many hours a week should you revise for A levels?

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The question of how many hours a week students should revise for A levels is difficult to answer. There’s no set amount of hours. This is a free decision to be made by each individual student. But if you want more guidance on how long you should be revising, then read on for more information!

Early in the year

Early in the year, there is less pressure to do work since the exams are only at the end of the academic year. This certainly doesn’t mean you should be doing no work, though. It’s often recommended that students revise throughout the whole academic year to retain as much information as possible and perform the best they can in the exams.

Even only doing fifteen minutes a day at the start of the year can be a great help when it comes to tackling questions by the end of the year. If you work to understand concepts and theories early on, you’ll find revision easier by the time the exams take place. So, whilst there is no set number of hours for revision, you might want to start with just practising the more difficult concepts and working to understand these. Then, you can build up your revision as the weeks go by.

On average

In general, it’s recommended that students study around two hours a day for A level qualifications. This may seem like a lot, but it must be taken into consideration that A levels are incredibly difficult and demand hard work. Two hours of solid revision a day can help ingrain A level specifications into students heads to give them the best chance of memorising everything they’ll need for the exams.

A levels are incredibly content-heavy, and students are often shocked by how much more content is included compared to GCSE specifications. Therefore, it’s important to make this workload manageable by tackling it with the right amount of dedication.

A teacher smiling at camera in classroom

Extra work

Students who are struggling might even opt to do more work than two hours of revision a day. This can include attending half term Easter revision courses, getting extra help from their college subject teacher, or even hiring a professional tutor. All this additional work should pay off when it comes to taking the exam.

After all, the more work that’s put in will make the student more prepared than they would’ve been otherwise. Furthermore, students might want to set an extra couple of hours aside to try to target their weak areas and overcome their difficulties. The amount of work in consideration with this really depends on the individual student.

Therefore, whilst some students may struggle with exams more than others, only the individual student can decide on how much they think they need to revise. Setting time aside to focus on vulnerable areas could be a wise move, along with aiming for a build-up of revision as the exam approaches. A manageable amount of hours can work wonders in getting students prepared for the big day. Although, it’s important not to overwork.

If you, or your parents would like to find out more, please just get in touch via email at or call us on 0800 689 1272

If you, or your parents would like to find out more, please just get in touch via email at or call us on 0800 689 1272

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