How Can I Study Geography Effectively?

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Geography is an amazing subject. It’s a great mix of the study of the physical world and human beings and the way the two interact. However, it is a very content-heavy subject and while its students are generally passionate, it can be quite overwhelming at times.

Despite being interesting, some people struggle studying geography effectively because there are a lot of concepts and facts here. You have to remember many things. Fortunately, there are tips and tricks to help you ace this subject. Following are some guidelines you can follow to study geography effectively:

Learn and Practice Directions

Learning directions is the key to learning geography because this subject is all about directions and maps. When it comes to directions, focus on getting familiar with longitude and latitude rather than the traditional East, West, North, South.

It may take some time and practice to learn directions in these terms but it will surely prove to be helpful in your study of geography.

Relate What You Read to Your Surroundings

You read about geographical phenomenon virtually every day on the newspapers. When you read about a natural phenomenon or calamity, relate it to what you have read in your textbook. In this way, you will prepare yourself for the current affairs which is a key part of the subject.

A teacher smiling at camera in classroom

Create Mind Maps

Any subject becomes easier to understand if you dwell on it. When it comes to geography, you can utilise the mind mapping technique to study it effectively. By creating mind maps and with the help of a online A Level Geography Tutor, you will simplify the query and hence, it will become easier for you to pen down your question or thoughts regarding the topic or subject.

Relate Geography to Economics, History, and Other Topics

The history, socio-political turmoil, and culture of a region – all have a strong connection to geography. For example, to learn about the countries that produce oil, all you need to do is simply study the socio-political situation of that specific region. The subject of geography also has a strong relation to anthropology. For example, the customs, clothes, culture, etc. of a place are direct consequences of its climate conditions.

Organise the Information

Organising the key information is an excellent way to study, understand, and learn a topic within a subject. When it comes to geography, it is recommended that you organise the geographical information into logical categories. This will help increase your recall and memory.

For instance, if you are trying to memorise the major river ways in the world, organise that information by continent. Since remembering continents is easier, you will be able to retain that information and easily memorise all the major river ways in the world.

Don’t Procrastinate

Before your exam, you might be tempted to procrastinate and cram your geography topics. However, this is not recommended. If you wish to study and learn geography effectively, you should attend class, create notes and organise key information, and then review those notes frequently throughout the term.

In this way, you will be able to keep all the geographical information in your long-term memory and recall it for years to come.

Geography is an interesting subject but it is also a vast subject so it can be overwhelming to many. But, with some good techniques, you can master the art of studying it effectively.

If you, or your parents would like to find out more, please just get in touch via email at or call us on 0800 689 1272.

If you, or your parents would like to find out more, please just get in touch via email at or call us on 0800 689 1272

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