Is it possible to do A level physics without A level maths?

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For those students interested in doing A level physics, you may be wondering if a maths A level is essential to study this subject. Indeed, physics is arguably one of the most challenging A levels you could choose. So, let’s discuss this topic in more detail.

Studying physics without maths

It could certainly be possible to study A level physics without A level maths. However, this will really depend on the individual student. If you are hardworking, academic, and are willing to put extra effort into understanding complex mathematical theories, you could do well in physics without having to study maths.

Physics as a subject does include a lot of maths within it. If you can grasp mathematical concepts quickly, it’s not a set rule that you have to study maths too. It’s certainly recommended, but not essential.

Many students have succeeded in A level physics without studying A level maths alongside it but have seeked help from an online A Level Physics tutor; so it depends on the student as an individual and how they adapt to specific A levels. Some may be fine with the transition, whilst other students may struggle with the lack of mathematical guidance.

You could always hire yourself a tutor to help you focus on the mathematical questions in physics. Tutors are there to help you focus on your weaker areas. So, if you haven’t got the maths specification to guide you, a tutor could be the answer to getting you through the maths questions on your physics A level papers.

Studying physics with maths

Maths could be a real helping hand when it comes to studying physics A level – there’s just no doubt about it. It’s common knowledge that these two subjects complement each other. Studying maths could help you in your physics since you will be used to the mathematical complex theories and formulas that you’ll have to apply to some of your physics questions.

As noted above, some students would struggle at physics A level if they didn’t have a maths A level to aid them in laying the foundations of the required mathematical knowledge.

A teacher smiling at camera in classroom

. If you need to secure particularly good grades and are concerned you won’t get them, choosing maths alongside physics could boost your physics grade. This is because you will have an advantage for preparing for the maths-based questions. Always have your grade’s best interests at heart, as the grade is what you’ll get out of college.

Physics A level is arguably dominated by maths. Maths makes up a shockingly large percentage of the exam questions. So, be aware of this when picking your A level subjects. If you’re not keen on maths, you may want to avoid physics too since these subjects go hand in hand with each other.

In conclusion, it is possible to study physics A level without maths A level, although it is strongly recommended. It’s always going to come down to how the individual student can perform. However, A level maths can act as a real helping hand when it comes to tackling mathematical questions on physics exam papers.

If you, or your parents would like to find out more, please just get in touch via email at or call us on 0800 689 1272

If you, or your parents would like to find out more, please just get in touch via email at or call us on 0800 689 1272

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